
Compagnie Käfig / FR /

Show for 11 dancers evolving in a visual environment at the border between virtual and real. Each artist has playfully immersed in an unknown world, with a sharing mind, relying on hip-hop virtuosity and energy, mixing up poetry and dreams, to create a show at the crossroads of arts. This show is a collaboration between Adrien M & Claire B and Mourad Merzouki, Käfig company.

"We use images as trompe l’oeils. We want to deform perception, blur the lines between what is true and what is false, cross the daily boundaries of reality, and reveal things that are not “possible”. We want to modify, distort and offset our relationship to time and space, just like a hip-hop dancer with his or her body. It is at that point of junction that the performance was born: the quest for illusion.”
Claire Bardainne & Adrien Mondot


Blissful, flabbergasted, direct pleasure and unconditional amazement. A kind of emotional kidnapping with only one possible outcome: letting go. […] Mourad Merzouki’s hip-hop is regenerated from the imaginary connection. Sophisticated, well-designed as usual, it has taken on another aspect, sometimes a velvet one, an elastic density. As if pixels had been transplanted in the very core of dancers’ muscles to transform them into gliding mutants. As far as the show content is concerned, it has been refined, leading to new circuits and surprising spatial subdivisions.
Le Monde, Rosita Boisseau, November 27, 2014

This show is absolutely astounding. This has never been done on stage before. Dancers are performing in a 3D-digital set that changes depending their movements, on a floor that sometimes shifts under their feet or in front of a big screen, they achieve aerial and acrobatic feats. Not only hip hop dancers are part of the show but also circus artists. One-man performances are mind-blowing and the audience makes no mistake about it. Last night in Créteil, the audience was literally in ecstasy during the curtain calls!
France Inter, Stéphane Capron, 21. studenog 2014